Movement…The answer to Cancer?

affiliate • September 16, 2018

Whether you have dealt with this problem from a distance or up close, cancer has come up on your radar at some point in your life. Truth is, technically speaking, you have cancer right now. There are cancerous cells all in our bodies, that are only triggered/turned on when a fragmented version of our DNA is created and then replicated several times throughout the body. When it has been replicated over and over without being discovered, it may be too late for us to intervene. So, what can be done to prevent this from happening or what could someone do as a means of treatment for these diseases? Fortunately, I had the pleasure of listening to a man named, Daryll Edwards at the Ancestral Health Symposium to find out. Daryll is a Movement Coach, a Nutritionist and the creator of the Primal Play Method (a fun, functional fitness program for children and adults alike). I hope to disseminate his thoughts as well as he did at the symposium.

Food vs Cancer
First of all, it is difficult to find out what will activate or helps cancer grow. Most people think that glucose (by-product of carbohydrates) is what all cancers feed on. In reality, cancer feeds on glucose (carbs), lipids (fat), and amino acids (protein). It obviously pays for us to research on particular cancers as much as possible, but don’t mistake this excerpt as a complete erasing of nutrition as a means to promote movement as the only cure. Nutrition is equally as important as exercise in this equation and is an additional proprietor to the prevention or debilitation of most metabolic diseases.

Movement vs Cancer
Hippocrates (the great Greek Scientist/Philosopher) might have once stated, “Walking is man’s best medicine”. So, how can movement be a tool against metabolic damage and the like? Is it really that simple? The better question is, are you really so far removed from your ancestors that you can’t treat cancers the same way they would? It is true that you are infinitely more advanced from a technological standpoint. However, from a physical standpoint, you and the caveman/cavewoman who possesses your genes are pretty identical. So, with that information, let’s jump into this situation from a fundamental vantage. Cancer reaches much further back in our known timeline than you may think. It predates mammalian life altogether! Furthermore, aging is a huge reason that we develop cancer in the first place. Our ancestors didn’t have to worry about this for the most part.

However, we have a secret weapon. Physical activity! Not the shiny, illustrious secret you expected? Sometimes, simplicity elicits the proper results for our problems without the need to be fancy. When it comes to physical activity, there are a plethora of benefits that come along. Decreased insulin resistance, reduced systemic inflammation, reduced fatigue, increased immune system function, increased mood and focus, as well as elongated telomere lengths and increased DNA repair capabilities.

Are these all of the benefits? Not by a long shot😉Physical activity provides us with a super-secret weapon. The name of this weapon is Irisin. Irisin (known as the “Exercise Hormone”) is a hormone that is incredibly effective in keeping us not only alive but thriving. It utilizes white adipose tissue (makes you leaner) as a means of energy while being 22x more capable of destroying cancer cells. No other hormone can do so.

So what do we have to do to activate this super hormone? According to the U.S. Surgeon General, the WHO (World Health Organization) as well as many other leading health authorities, it’s as simple as following this chart.

To take things even further, there are governmental entities who are implementing exercise protocols as a means of cancer treatment. One of them being COSA (Clinical Oncology Society of Australia). What are the results they are reporting? Decreased cancer-related fatigue, decreased psychological stress, improved quality of life across the spectrum of different cancers, decreased risks of adverse side effects, as well as reduced risk of CVD disease.

It’s safe to say that science, nutrition and exercise are all in their infancies. It is also safe to say that we do not have a fool-proof, 100% proven prevention plan for all metabolic diseases. However, we do have a SIMPLE, yet EFFECTIVE, approach to a long and healthy life. So what do we do? Here are the best protocols we’ve found: eat well (natural foods), sleep like logs (7-8 hours), form and keep meaningful relationships, and GET MOVING!


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